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 Subject: Job Opportunity - Agent Systems and Database Research
   Date:  Mon, 31 Jan 2000 08:57:11 -0600
   From:  Amy Unruh 
     To:  agents@cs.umbc.edu

Employment opportunities at MCC in Austin
Agent Systems and Database Researchers
Information Systems Engineering Program

MCC is a research and development consortium carrying on advanced research
and technology integration in collaboration with member organizations,
government and academia.  The Information Systems Engineering Program
investigates the use of agent and database technologies to support
information management, discovery, and analysis in a dynamically changing
environment that can include Internet-accessible data, as well as
enterprise-wide information sources.  Research areas include agent control,
interaction and communication, extraction and fusion of information from
heterogeneous database, textual and image resources, and integration of
heterogeneous services in virtual organizations and enterprises.

We are looking for people with backgrounds in agent technology,
distributed systems, databases, information retrieval, workflows, and AI.
The required qualifications include a degree in Computer Science (Ph.D. or
MS with a minimum of two years relevant experience), good programming
skills (implementation of advanced prototypes is expected), and good
written and oral communication skills.  Experience with Java, ODBC/JDBC,
KQML and OO programming would be helpful.  Please consult our web pages at
 to learn more about our projects and the

MCC offers a competitive salary and benefits package.  Please send your
questions to Marek Rusinkiewicz, marek@mcc.com, or send your resume to:

Attention: Brenda Masters
3500 West Balcones Center Dr.
Austin, Texas 78759
FAX: 512-338-3820
No phone calls!
E-mail: employment@mcc.com
MCC is an equal opportunity employer.

See  for list info & archives.

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